BGI creates specialized data science solutions for aviation. We help our government customers create enterprise data science systems that benefit the engineers, scientists, pilots and maintainers in the aviation community. Accomplishing this requires teams composed of multiple competencies. The types of systems and data that our engineers work with are unique; aircraft across the military fleet produce a highly fascinating data set with the most challenging problems to solve!
Our Engineers develop software components for enterprise systems that store and operate on the data. It’s challenging to store the high-dimension, high-volume data sets in a way that makes it accessible and useful to the aviation community. Operational Analysts on the team are often ex-military pilots or maintainers that have insight into vehicle operations and enterprise logistics. Their knowledge is often in the data, but hidden. Data scientists work to bridge this gap, using collected data to transform information into knowledge and to provide feedback on the usability and accessibility of the data. As an individual with strength in one or more of these competencies, you’ll be a contributor on a team that seeks a higher goal, one that only an integrated team can achieve.